Students Assignment

Sunday, 23 October 2022



·         Objective: to exhibits at the Planetarium which enlightened the learners.

·         Outcome: good visual experience as well as factual knowledge of astronomy.

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Certificate Course - Advance Python – Level I


·         Objective: to work with Python basics and Advanced concepts

·         Outcome: helped the students to attain placements related to Python programming.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022



·         Objective: to create awareness about access to information among students various activities

·         Outcome: The Right To Information, advantages & disadvantages of access to information   was also explained through the speech by students. 

Monday, 19 September 2022

Interactive session on Networking


·         Objective: to elaborate on the topic “Networking”, also explained the concepts of Network protocols

·         Outcome: Learnt more about Networking

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Installation of Windows OS – 11-WORKSHOP


·         Objective: to acquire hands-on experience in Installation of Windows OS – 11

·         Outcome: Gained knowledge about OS Installation.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Career Guidance


·         Objective: to elaborated on the Interview Skills, Body language to be maintained during face-to-face interview, aptitude skills, verbal reasoning etc.

·         Outcome: helped the young minds to have a clear understanding in developing the major demand of skills needed exactly for them to face interviews with courage and wisdom..

Tuesday, 13 September 2022



·         Objective: to create an awareness among students about programming and software developers.

·         Outcome: Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think”.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

POWER SEMINAR on “Data Science”


·         Objective: to know how data science works in business decision-making, strategic planning and other uses.

·         Outcome: Learnt more about data sciences and its applications.

Monday, 15 August 2022

75th Independence day


·         Objective: to honour and respect all our freedom fighters who fought for India's freedom.

·         Outcome: promotes nationalism and patriotism towards the nation

Friday, 12 August 2022

INDUCTION PROGRAM- Orientation Programme


INDUCTION PROGRAM- Orientation Programme

·        Objective: to access the Google classroom-(Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides).

·        Outcome: Got a clear idea about the Google classroom.

Monday, 1 August 2022

International Tigers Day


This competition is done by BCA Department about the awareness of International Tiger Day which is held on 1st of August 2022

Students were able to prepare their PowerPoint Presentation by their following criteria:

  • ·         Facts of tiger
  • ·         Their population
  • ·         Habitat
  • ·         Countries they live in(range)
  • ·         Species and status(endangered)
  • ·         Threats and what you can do!! .

Friday, 29 July 2022

World Nature Conservation Day - 2022

    The department of Computer Applications celebrates World Nature Conservation day, theme- Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet
    Student participated and present their drawings on above topic.


Tuesday, 31 May 2022

International Panel Discussion - Robotics in


International Panel Discussion on

“Robotics in Human Life”


The Department of Computer Applications, Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women organized an International  Panel Discussion on “Robotics in human life” on 30/05/2022 at 1 pm.

The panel was enriched by four eminent speakers in distinguished fields of robotics. They were Speaker 1 - Dr. Mayank Mathur, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK followed by Speaker 2 - Dr.S. Shanthi, Principal,Care Engineering College, Trichy, Speaker 3 - Mr. Arun Kumar Natarajan, Process Automation Specialist, FLSmidth and Speaker 4 - Mr. Praveen Kumar,Co - founder, Vbind Innovations, Chennai.

The Session was started by Dr. Mayank Mathur enlightening and focussing in the areas on Robotics in Medical Care and surgery. He emphasized the usage of Robotics in Saving human life in various traumas. This helped the students to understand the societal use and life saving cause of “Robotics in Human Life”.

The next panel member Dr. S. Shanthi focussed the Research areas in Robotics and influence of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace, she also explained about the robotics in research areas related to medical technologies enabled robots. She helped the students to understand the concept of Neural Networks and Machine Learning as the early stage of understanding the technologies. She showed a live demo of Da vinci Surgical Robot systems and how it has been used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis and Physiotherapy.

Followed by the Next Panem member Mr. Arun Kumar Natarajan started his discussion on explaining about the RPA (Robotic Process Automation), where Robots is used in business, Benefits of RPA, how humans and robots are bonded here - Cohesions of human and bot, who provides the RPA solutions, He explained clearly about What is RPA and What is not RPA? He also showed a live demonstration of a chatbot prepared by him which taught students about the vision of Automation with respect to business and finance. At the end in the Q & A Session the students asked various questions related to the future of RPA and resources available to biome an RPA Specialist.

The last panel member Mr. Praveen Kumar explained how robotics are used in humans for day to day activities, then dived into a completely practical session to the students, he showed a microcontroller and 8236 & 8246 microprocessor, arduino kits. He explained how a robot is used in ICT ward beds to monitor the patients. He showed a live video of a humanoid developed for a elderly people using various sensors such as ultrasound, camera objects, how it speaks and reply to the comments. He also explained the 3D printing technologies and 20 Kg Drone to carry various ICE boxes, drugs and organs and Home Automation Assistance systems. He also explained the Prosthetic hands and legs for diabled using 3D modelled printers, Web Applications, IOT Applications, etc.,

The  students discussed with panel members by asking various questions related to robotics. The entire panel discussion was more motivation and inspiration for the students to know about the various fields of Robotics in Human Life.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Career Guidance Programme


Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women,

Department of Computer Applications

 Career Guidance Programme on “International Education & Migration Opportunities in Australia”


The Department of Computer Applications, Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women organised a Career Guidance Programme on “International Education & Migration Opportunities in Australia” on 10.5.2022. The resource person of the day was Mr. Thiruvengadam Arumugam JP, Senior IT Engineer by profession, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Ltd, New South Wales (NSW), Australia.

The resource persons focused on the Reopening of international travel to students, Support for international students, Australian strategy for international education, International education engagement, Regulation information, Resources for providers in supporting students and Eligibility requirements and skill based migration. The programme envisaged to help them in enhancing their potential. The session helped the students to choose the right career path based on their educational and professional choices.

Also the programme focused on personal growth, interpersonal effectiveness and skills that are vital for placement and career growth. Students clarified their queries in the interactive Q&A session with the resource person. Around 200 students participated in this Training Programme.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Industrial Visit - Regional Meteorological Centre




The Department of Computer Applications organized an Industrial Visit to Regional Meteorological Centre, Chennai on 5.5.2022, 6.5.2022 and 9.5.2022. Students acquired knowledge about weather forecasting and the technologies used behind this and they were given exposure about new Radar technology, Geographical Information System, Global Positioning System (GPS), Satellite navigation system and Satellite communication, as well as computer models that run on more powerful supercomputers. Also they showed live demo on anemometer, double Stevenson screen, thermometer and rain gauge. Students also visited different types of monuments of ancient granite pillars which were used by meteorological department. 153 students and 5 staff members were accompanied in this Industrial visit.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Awareness programme on First Aid & Life Saving Techniques


Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women,

Department of Computer Applications


Awareness programme on First Aid & Life Saving Techniques 

The Department of Computer Applications in association with NSS organised an “Awareness programme on First Aid & Life Saving Techniques” on 28th April, 2022. The resource persons of the day were Mr. Piraivalavan, Divisional Commander, St. John’s Ambulance Brigade, Chennai and his team.

To promote awareness among stakeholders including college teachers and students, the resource persons focused on the conservation of lives and property during natural or human-made disasters. Also they have addressed the issues such as floods, hurricanes, fires, mass failure of utilities, rapid spread of disease and droughts. They have explained about how to give First aid during emergency to an injured person and for heart patients and children. And the purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. In serious cases, first aid may be necessary to keep the victim alive.


Department Valedictory - 2022

Department of Computer Applications


The Department of Computer Applications organized a Valedictory on 28th April, 2022. The department conducted various competitions during the department day. Our beloved Vice Principal issued our Department e-Newsletter and distributed various prizes to the prize winners.

The programme was inaugurated by Vice Principal, followed by

o   Prayer Song

o   Group singing by Princeela Sheeba  &  Bhavani R of II & III BCA

o   MIME related to Gender Equality  by students of II & III BCA

o   Solo Dance related to Gender Equality  by Yuvashree R III BCA

o   Annual Report delivered by Sumaiya Fathima M, E- Reach Club Secretary of III BCA

o   E - Annual Newsletter Volume VII, 2021 - 2022  was released by Vice Principal.

o   Prize Distribution by Vice Principal.

·         Motivational song of Gender Equality (KAROKE) Group Singing by Ms. R. Bhavani & Ms. Shiny Ruth of III BCA

o   'Memorable video' by the Department of Computer Application were played to remember the nostalgic moments.

o   Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Monisha P III BCA

o   Students of BCA have performed the various events such as classical song, mime, dance motivating the theme of gender equality. 


Friday, 8 April 2022


The Department of Computer Applications has organized EVS Field trip to Horticulture Park- Botanical Garden, MMC, Chennai  for II BCA students on 8.4.2022. The study aimed at x-raying the imperatives of Field Trip in studying various aspects in Environmental Sciences. The study adopted survey, observation, assessment of field trip report. It specifically acquires their knowledge and better equipped in their course of studies on Environmental studies.

Friday, 18 March 2022



The Department of Computer Applications organized a Department day on 18.3.2022. The teachers conducted various competitions like smart guess, quiz, paper presentation and debugging, video making and Real time projects. And the winners were announced. Also students showcase their talents.

Thursday, 17 March 2022


The Departments of Computer Applications organized a Seminar on “AI: Past, Present & Future” on March 17, 2022. The Resource Person of the day was Dr. C.V. Suresh Babu, Professor, Department of Information Technology, Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (Hindustan University), Padur, Chennai, He gave an excellent coverage on Artificial Intelligence & how it’s going to impact `the future of virtually every industry and every human being. Nearly 150 students attended the Seminar.


Thursday, 10 March 2022



Workshop on Tally ERP 9 held on March 10, 2022 – (Institutional Social Responsibility)

As a part of Institutional Social Responsibility a workshop was conducted on March 10, 2022. The students from Government Higher Secondary School, Manali, Chennai were participated. The Workshop Topics were Tally ERP 9 and it was handled by Mrs.C Kausalya Devi, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Computer Applications.

     Students actively participated and enthusiastically listened the session. Individual system was given to each student for practicing tally ERP 9. The Whole session was conducted using ICT Tools, which Aids them to practice easily. At the end of the session they gave a positive feedback and the certificates were distributed.

Friday, 4 March 2022

Visit to Book Fair


Visit to Book Fair on March 4, 2022

As a measure and means to improve the interest of students towards reading books, the department arranged a trip to the book fair organized in the YMCA ground, Nandanam on March 4, 2022. Advanced learners from each class were taken to this trip, so that they will get an exposure to all kinds of books in various subjects. Students enjoyed this trip.  got some ideas regarding books and few of them purchased books on their own interest.

Sunday, 27 February 2022



Department of Computer Applications organized an Industrial Visit to MGM Dizzee world, Muthukkadu on 26.2.2022. Students were given exposure to the working mechanism of the fun rides which automates using Computer Systems.

Friday, 21 January 2022

E-Career Training Programme on " Google Professional Certification"


       The Department of Computer Applications, Chevalier T. Thomas Elizabeth College for Women in association with Aspire for Her organized an E-Career Training Programme on “GOOGLE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION” on 21.1.2022. The resource persons of the Mrs. Neeraja Ganesh, Mentor and consultant, Aspire for Her and Mrs. Jacintha Jayachandran, Speaker, Coach and Author. The resource persons focused on the online courses to enhance skills and the importance of Google professional certification.  The programme envisaged to help the students in recognizing their present level of skills and help them in enhancing their potential. Also the programme focused on personal growth, interpersonal effectiveness and skills that are vital for placement and career growth. Around 120 students participated in this Training Programme.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Data Analytics Using Python - Workshop


     The Departments of Computer Applications organized a workshop on Data Analytics using Python on 11.01.2022. The Resource Persons was Dr Ramesh Kumar M, Assistant Professor  & Head, Dept of Computer Science, Govt. Arts College, Nandanam, Chennai.  Participants took keen interest in practical work to acquire hands-on experience in Data Analytics using Python.  Around 70 Students have participated in the workshop.  And we have provided with e-certificate for all the participants.